Design Patents
Design patent protects the unique visual or ornamental aspects of an object rather than its functional features. It is granted for the appearance of an object, including its shape, surface ornamentation, or configuration, as long as the design is new, original, and non-functional. Unlike utility patents, which focus on how something works, design patents focus solely on how something looks.
Key features of design patents:
- Visual Appearance: The design patent protects how an object looks, not how it operates. It’s ideal for items where the appearance is a key selling point, such as consumer products, furniture, or packaging.
- Patent Illustrations: Design patent applications rely heavily on drawings. These illustrations must clearly depict every angle and view of the design to fully disclose its appearance. The illustrations are the most critical part of the application since they define the scope of protection.
- Term of Protection: In the U.S., design patents are valid for 15 years from the date of grant, without the need to pay maintenance fees.
- Examples: Common products that are protected by design patents include smartphones, jewelry, footwear, and vehicle body designs.
Get in touch with us to know more and protect your designs.